非常喜欢Eric Clapton,他弹的吉它出神如画,
Wonderful tonight在吉它的伴奏下营造出一种
加上Eric Clapton的吟唱,把这首曲子的意境

Wonderful tonight 美妙的夜晚
It’s late in evening,夜已深了
she’s wondering what clothes to wear,她在想穿什么衣服
she’s puts on her make up,她开始打扮
and brushes her long blonde hair.描着她那长长的睫毛
and then she asks me: 她问我
"do I look all right?" and I say:"“我看上去还好吧?”我说
yes,you look wonderful tonight."“是的,你今晚看上去很美”
We go to a party,我们到了一个舞厅
and every one turns to see,每个人都转过身来看
this beautiful lady,这个美丽的女士
is walking around with me,在我身边翩翩跳舞
and then she asks me:她问我
"do you feel all right?" and I say:“今晚你感觉还好吧?”我说
"yes,I feel wonderful tonight."“是的,我感觉一个美妙的夜晚”
I feel wonderful “我感觉美妙极了”
because I see the love light in your eyes.因为我看到了你眼中的爱意
then the wonder of it all 最美妙的是
is that you just don’t realize.你还没有意识到
how much I love you.我是多么的爱你
It’s time to go home now,到了该回家的时候
and I’ve got an aching head,我感到有些头痛
so I give her the car keys,所以我把汽车钥匙给了她
and she helps me to bed,她把我扶到床上
and then I tell her,而后在我关灯时
as I turn out the light,我告诉她
I say:"my darling you were wonderful tonight,我说“亲爱的今晚你真美”
oh,my darling you were wonderful tonight. 噢 亲爱的今晚你真美。