当沃尔沃在2010年芝加哥车展上展示了自称“产业内第一个配备Windows XP, WiFi和500G硬盘的可接入互联网的后座娱乐系统”时,车内的影音娱乐配置又提升了一个档次。
尽管官方标识仍处于概念阶段,但有国外媒体表示有确凿消息证明这个系统将于今年夏天开始会安装在2011款沃尔沃XC60或者XC70上。 此系统也会在日内瓦车展上展示,一起期待吧:)
* Internet Connectivity
* Associate and navigate user's music library with cover art, lyrics in North America and mood attributes
* Unlimited music download service and Video exploration
* Recognize currently playing broadcast music and download those tracks
* DVD playback with cover art, synopses and cast details
* USB Drive Interface
* Email Access
* Aux AV input for external devices like videos, I-Pods, Zune Players, gaming devices, ect.
* WiFi Capability for connectivity to various other data storage devices (i.e.: Home Server)
* 500G Hard Drive
* Touch Screen