
甜蜜女孩Hallo Goodbye-The Pancakes


甜蜜女孩Hallo Goodbye-The Pancakes

这首歌选自The Pancakes的专辑《Everyone has a secret》,是The Pancakes和阿礼(False Alarm)的男女对唱。the pancakes,香港的一个女子独立乐队,Dejay是唯一成员。她唱歌喜欢英文,怪异的英文发音据她自己讲是因为受他不同国籍的朋友们的影响。Dejay的音乐风格,古灵精怪,又带着淡淡的舒服。Dejay的音乐纯真趣味,些许跳跃的感觉;曲和词都很简单,清新可爱。或是单纯的叙事,或是异想天开的想象,稚气的声音和歌词让人觉得她更像是幼儿园的音乐老师,音乐一起,她就带着我们走入她所营造的童话世界,重新拾回几乎已经丢失的童心。
Dejay身兼乐队作曲、作词、编曲、弹奏、主音。毕业于香港大学,主修翻译,于大学期间开始音乐创作。毕业后任职图书馆管理员。她曾多次将自己的示范录音带寄去各唱片公司,结果得到西班牙家庭作业式唱片公司Elefant 赏识签约,于2001年自资发行首张唱片《Les Bonbons Sont Bons》。其中一首歌《a》获九龙巴士选为广告用歌,因而初露头角,中华电力公司亦曾用她的歌作广告歌。其后她曾发行数张唱片,绝大多数歌曲皆为英语歌,以其独特的有点幼稚的唱腔及港式英语发音而著名,被视为香港非主流乐坛的新力军。她又自资出版杂志《Sofa》,同时开始参予其他演艺制作,例如创作独立电影《寻找真爱》,及为电影《麦兜故事》及《麦兜菠萝油王子》中的 Miss Chan 配音。于2005年凭《麦兜菠萝油王子》的一首歌《咁咁咁》击败其他著名歌手和音乐人夺得香港电影金像奖最佳原创电影歌曲奖。

[wmv]http://www.huaxin-group.comSexInSex友情提示 .cn多是木马病毒发布者已经禁止,如认为安全的网站请手动输入网址/en/mpthree/Hallo%20Goodbye-The%20Pancakes.mp3[/wmv]
下载:http://www.huaxin-group.comSexIn ... -The%20Pancakes.mp3

give me strength to overcome the fears
give me dough to buy another beer
give me time to overcome
the shadow of the love we shared
and the nightmares that make me feel so scared
i have a room
i wanna be there all alone
all my life
i’ve been waiting for some time just for my own
time to carry out my plans
to form my garage band
and then and then
can you listen to me
hallo goodbye
hallo hallo hallo goodbye
can you let me come take you to the sun
can you let me go do my one man show
just stay where you are
don’t come close don’t go too far
been a while since we said hi last time
how’s your life and what’s your new hairstyle
i’ve been walking round the world
collecting every key i see
but we’re just no longer who we used to be
i feel so fine
now all the problems are behind
but still i, i’m afraid i cannot be your valentine
there’re still more in front of me
still lots i wanna see
but not with you
not with you
can you listen to me
hallo goodbye
hallo hallo hallo goodbye
are you gonna come destroy all my fun
are you gonna go leave me in the snow
just stay where you are
don’t come close don’t go too far
baby listen to me
hallo goodbye
hallo hallo hallo goodbye
i will let you go
i will let you know
love is not a rope
it’s more than a hope
forget what i said
turn away and don’t look back
love is not a rope
it’s more than a hope
all the wounds and pain
will go with the rain
when we meet again
only memories will remain
hallo goodbye goodbye
hallo goodbye byebye
dejay has a little dog and
yuhi is her name sir
y-u yu h-i hi
y-u yu h-i hi
y-u yu h-i hi
yuhi is her name sir
tell me if you’re hungry but
please don’t eat my rugs baby
please don’t eat everything that you see in the street
please don’t eat dust and shit
oh you drive me crazy
let’s go walking hand in hand
let’s go form a band
i will play the banjo
you’ll play the casio
oh my giant baby
you smell like a prawn from the sea
let’s go walking hand in hand
let’s go form a band
i will sing and you will bark
along with marky mark
oh my gigantic baby
you smell like a prawn from the sea
  • jyxjxno22 金币 +14 谢谢分享 ,下载地址出错更换 2008-11-29 04:52




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