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标题: [交流] 关于VS2008 一个奇怪报错的解决办法 [打印本页]

作者: jorben_8    时间: 2012-1-2 04:25     标题: 关于VS2008 一个奇怪报错的解决办法

最近开始玩VS2008,没想到运行个HELLO WORLD 都报错intermediate.manifest : general error c1010070: Failed to load and parse the......。百度解决方法,居然没有成功解决的!

就在我快要放弃的时候,发现源文件里的新建的C++文件居然显示的是无法识别的类型。而不是我们熟悉的后缀名为.cpp的 C++文件。



作者: hotblack    时间: 2012-1-3 11:18

作者: zzfifo    时间: 2012-1-3 22:13

see the thread titled Visual Studio Pro 2008
Forget the frustration. You probably had to learn how to use a hammer, too. It goes with any new tool

You don't want the precompiled header. Further, you can shorten the process.

1. Click File>New>Project
2. Select General in the left pane, Empty Project in the right pane.
3. Name the project and click Finish.
4. Now open the project.
5. Click Project>Add Existing Item.
6. Browse to your .cpp file, select it, and click Add.
7. Double click it in the Explorer pane to open a copy.
8. Click Build Solution
Correct any errors and rebuild until it's all okay.
Run it.
作者: wudaozun    时间: 2012-1-4 10:59

作者: progfanc    时间: 2012-1-8 16:32

作者: szmhero    时间: 2012-1-10 23:18

作者: 请叫我勇哥1    时间: 2012-1-15 20:32


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