该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-2-22 00:08 只看TA 1楼 |
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今天终于买到sis上别人推荐的宁夏枸杞和石榴汁了 北京的一个朋友介绍的做食品饮料的经销商那我去了,枸杞和石榴汁都有,呵呵。先说下老板推荐的那个极品,每个都很大很紫的颜色,特别干净,吃起来很甜,最好的这个45一斤,其他还有便宜的我没看。那儿的老板说他自己是一个月吃大概3斤,吃了三年了,用水冲下再吃主要是怕农药有残留,我说这不是有绿色食品标志么?老板说瞎掰,中国这事你还不明白,绿色食品能花钱买的,没农药化肥的枸杞可能只有宝哥和胡哥能吃的上,不过老板说他这的东西要不能吃中国就没能吃的了,真够贫的。关于泡酒的问题,老板平常也喝就是自己不泡那些枸杞还有别的东西,因为那些泡酒料不能洗,长期喝那些酒跟喝农药化肥没啥区别,这些年很多得癌的都和这个有关。注:很多人泡酒的枸杞不洗,认为影响效果。 老板快50了,他说枸杞壮阳倒没觉得什么,主要是他说性功能一向很好,就是他现在白头发比我还少!我现在才30多,汗! 再说下石榴汁有三种都是批发的价格,新疆的老科曼750毫升原汁号称无糖30 新疆的阿娜尔汗235毫升4 块是30%的,还有种30%的超值2升桶装的才28 最后有钱的朋友要看这种厂家是山东的一家美国人开的独资企业,名字忘了,老板说这才是真正的%100原汁,因为石榴原汁肯定是酸的,以上那两种肯定都不是,喝了都很甜!国内企业玩的把戏啊,另外老板说很多水果的原汁的腐蚀性很强必须要用玻璃瓶,再说下夸张的价格,40%的240毫升居然要12块钱,70%的240 23一瓶,最后百分百的原汁750毫升的竟他妈的要85,要知道这可是批发的价格啊!抢钱啊!老板说这么贵的东西卖的还不错,操!有钱的国人真厉害。 补充下老板说他从来不喝石榴汁,他老婆倒是天天喝皮肤特别好,不过岁数太大我就没啥兴趣了,呵呵。最后买了20斤枸杞给家人和朋友,因为我有糖尿病又没钱石榴汁选的是老科曼的号称无糖那种3箱,老板会做人送了我2瓶山东那家240毫升的.再注一下,问了下大夫下枸杞的含糖量虽然高但像我的糖尿病吃没问题,枸杞是多糖不是蔗糖,反之可以降血糖的。 注:非广告贴,以后有效果再发帖。资料说石榴汁要壮阳至少得喝30天。 |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-2-22 00:50 只看TA 2楼 |
Nutrition&Health 营养和健康 优质的产品 premium products 给你的心脏找个护士 find a nurse for your heart 血流畅通 保护心脏 increase blood flow, protects the heart 再现苗条身材的秘密武器 secret method for realizing a slim body 舒适度过每一天 spend everyday comfortably 天然的肌肤营养品 natural skin nurture 保养妈妈 保护胎儿 provide embryo’s safety and care by the mother’s body 补充荷尔蒙 健康前列腺 Supplies hormones, keeps healthy prostate cells 口气清新 尽情欢笑 clear and fresh tone, smile happily 抑菌抗病毒 repress bacterium and antivirus 舒适度过每一天 Spend everyday comfortably 女性荷尔蒙,是包括促进女性生殖器官发育的卵泡荷尔蒙,和掌握怀孕机能的黄体荷尔蒙两种,前者称为雌激素,后者叫做孕酮,其中含量较多的是雌激素。石榴中不只含有雌激素的代表雌甾酮,同时含有强力雌激素之一的雌甾二醇。 随着女性年龄增长,卵巢机能衰退,分泌的雌激素量会减少,导致月经周期紊乱,会出现失眠、焦躁、头痛等症状。石榴是缓解更年期障碍最佳的选择之一,因为石榴中所含的雌激素有助于调节女性体内荷尔蒙平衡。 资料来源:《石榴的惊人神效》,116页 Female hormones, including follicular hormone that promotes fanny growth and luteal hormones in charge of pregnancy enginery such as estrogen and progesterone.Along with women ageing, the ovary enginery decays, estrogen levels will decrease and result in catamenia cycle turbulence. Insomnia, fuss,headache,etc result as symptoms of turbulence.Pomegranates are one of the best choices for getting through menopause obstacles, since estrogen in it can help adjust hormone balance in the female body. Data sources:《marvelous power of pomegranate》, page 116 优质的产品 Premium products 石榴的营养特别丰富,含有多种人体所需的营养成分,果实中含有抗氧化剂、B族维生素、有机酸、糖类、蛋白质、脂肪,以及钾、钙、磷、钠、铁等矿物质。据分析,石榴果实中含碳水化合物17%,水分79%,糖13~17%,脂肪、蛋白质的含量较少,对人体健康十分有益。 资料来源: 百度百科 pomegranates contain an abundance of nutritious ingredients needed by the human body such as antioxidants, vitamin B groups, organic acids, saccharides, proteins, fats and minerals( potassium, calcium, phosphor, sodium, iron,etc.). According to analysis, pomegranates contain 17% carbohydrates, 79%water, 13~17%saccharides,yet pomegranates contain less fats and proteins than apples do.pomegrantes are benefical to human health. Data sources:Baidu Wikipedia 给你的心脏找个护士 人体内的血管紧缩素转移酶(ACE),在分解蛋白质过程中,将血管紧缩素I转变为血管紧缩素II,导致体内盐分和水分升高,使血管紧缩,容易引发心脏病,而石榴汁中富含血管紧缩素转移酶抑制剂,可以有效抑制ACE作用,帮助血管松弛,血压降低,让富氧血顺利到达心脏,降低引发心脏病的危险。 资料来源:《Atherosclerosis》, 2001, 158: 195-198 Find a nurse for your heart The human body contains angiotensin-converting enzymes(ACE’s). By splitting proteins, enzymes convert angiotensin I into angiotensin II (a substance that increases the amounts of salt and water in the body and leads to high blood pressure). ACE inhibitors make blood vessels relax, lowering blood pressure and allowing more oxygen-rich blood to reach the heart,reducing the risk of heart disease. Data sources:《Atherosclerosis》, 2001, 158: 195-198 血流畅通 保护心脏 人体内大量自由基,可以氧化血液中的低密度脂蛋白(LDL),将其转变为脂质,脂质通常在血管中沉积下来,堵塞血管,容易引发心脑血管疾病。 据报道,石榴汁中富含多酚、鞣花酸等多种高效抗氧化成分,可以有效延缓LDL胆固醇的氧化过程,同时,将脂质的滞留和沉积减少到最低水平,起到软化疏通血管作用,使血流更通畅。 资料来源:《Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry》,2005,16:570-576 Free radicals on human body may be the culprits that can oxidize low-density lipoprotein turning it into the plaque that clogs up arteries, which are narrows the arteries, reduce blood flow ,and creates reptures leading to heart disease or a stroke. According to reports, pomegranate juice contains an abundance of the most potent of antioxidants and polyphenols. These can effectively delay the oxidation periods of low-density lipoproteins at the same time as reducing accumulation of plaque, helping relax the blood vessels, allowing them to open and increase blood flow. Data sources: 《Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry》,2005,16:570-576 再现苗条身材的秘密武器 石榴果实的营养丰富,其中含有大量的水分,再加上葡萄糖和菊粉等碳水化合物、矿物质钾,还有丹宁酸、酒石酸、苹果酸、维生素C等酸味成分,可以有效调节人体新陈代谢,润滑肠道,成功降低体重,因而倍受喜爱。 资料来源:《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》, 2007,54 (23): 8956 - 8961 《石榴的惊人神效》,82页 Pomegranates are nutritious and contain a great amount of water as well as not only glucose,ghrysanthemum,minerals,but also components of citric acids, tartaric acids, malix acids,etc.It can efficiently adjust the metabolism, successfully decreasing weight. Data sources: 《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》, 2007,54 (23): 8956 - 8961《marvelous power of pomegranate》, page 82 天然的肌肤营养品 经权威科研机构证实,石榴是能够中和大部分损害肌肤健康的自由基的超级抗氧化剂,它能显著改善肌肤暗沉、枯黄、疲惫的状态,彻底为肌肤排毒,恢复纯净;石榴中的维生素B6、E、叶酸和矿物质含量远远高于其他水果,能迅速为肌肤注入丰沛鲜活能量,让肌肤重拾活力,不再晦暗发黄,折射出前所未有的自然健康光泽。 资料来源:《时尚芭莎》,第158期 Natural skin nurture According to authoritative scientific agency confirmation, pomegranates are super antioxidants that neutralize damaged skin,health,and the high levels of vitamin B6,E,folic acid and mineral content which can make abundant fresh energy for skin, getting rid of dark,yellow spots, refracting unprecedented natural healthy shine. Data sources: 《HARPER’S BAZAAR》,periodical 158 保养妈妈 保护胎儿 女性怀孕期间,卵巢机能衰退,分泌的荷尔蒙量会减少,导致月经周期紊乱,引起失眠、焦躁、呕吐等症状,影响身体健康,胎儿正常生长。石榴汁中富含女性荷尔蒙和多酚化合物,可以有效补充荷尔蒙,而多酚具有抗衰老和保护神经系统, 稳定情绪的作用,对孕妇胎儿十分有益。 资料来源:《PEDIATRIC RESEARCH》,2005, 57(6):858-864 《石榴的惊人神效》,84页 provide embryo’s safety and care by the mother’s body ovary enginery in pregnant women will decay and estrogen levels excreted will decrease resulting in catamenia cycle turbulence. Insomnia, fuss, headache, etc,will result as symptoms of the turbulence, influencing the health and embryo growth. Pomegranates contain abundance women hormones and polyphenol compounds which are antiaging and protect the nervous system and stabilize emotions which benefit a pregnant women and her growing embryo. Data sources: 《PEDIATRIC RESEARCH》,2005, 57(6):858-864 《marvelous power of pomegranate》, page 84 补充荷尔蒙 健康前列腺 石榴汁中含有丰富的荷尔蒙,可以对抗前列腺损害细胞和导致前列腺癌的化学物质。 据报道,患者每天饮用一杯石榴汁后,前列腺特有的抗原(PSA)水平减少;PSA的浓度代表着前列腺癌细胞的数量。在大多数情况下,通过PSA可判断出癌症是否复发、癌细胞的扩散程度和其是否发生了转移。 资料来源:《Clinical Cancer Research》, 2006,12(13): 4018-4026 Supplies hormones,keeps healthy prostate cells Pomegranates contain an abundance of hormones that can battle with harmful prostate cells and chemicals that induce prostate cancer. In a study of men who had undergone treatment for prostate cancer, one glass of pomegranate juice per day kept prostate special antigen(PSA) levels stable, reducing the need for further treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy. PSA represents the amount of prostate cancer cells. Usually, using PSA to estimate whether cancer recrudesce diffuses conditions of cancer cells whether transferred or not. Data sources: 《Clinical Cancer Research》, 2006,12(13): 4018-4026 口气清新,尽情欢笑 石榴具有强大的杀菌效果。因为其中含有硼酸和丹宁酸,能够消除口中的臭味。 石榴不仅能去除口臭,使口腔清爽,同时,它所含的丹宁酸,具有收缩血管或肌肉的收敛作用,因此,能够巩固牙龈。去除口臭,牙龈巩固,就能安心地露齿一笑了。 资料来源:《石榴的惊人神效》,90页 Clear and fresh tone, smile happily Pomegranates contain a great sterilizing capability, boric acid and tannins which can eliminate bad breath. Not only can it prevent halitosis, but a pomegranate can refrigerate nonnasalities, tannins have the constringent capability of shrinking blood vessels and muscle cells.thus, it can solidify teeth with the result of a great smile! Data sources: 《marvelous power of pomegranate》, page 90 抑菌抗病毒 石榴中的石榴皮碱对人体的寄生虫有麻痹作用;石榴碱、甘露醇、有机酸等,对痢疾杆菌、绿脓杆菌、伤寒杆菌、结核杆菌以及各种皮肤真菌都有抑制作用,对病毒也有一定的对抗作用。另外,石榴汁还有解酒保肝防醉、治疗便秘、降低尿糖的含量等作用。 repress bacterium and antivirus Plletierine in pomegranate has anesthesia function on easy riders; Plletierine, ganluchun, Organic acids,etc,can not only control the Sh.flexneri, p.aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Mycobecterium Tuberculosis and different types of dermatophytes, but also has antivirus function. Additionally, pomegranate juice has the function of protecting liver and preventing drunk, curing astriction, reducing the content of glycosuria,etc. Data sources: marvelous power of pomegranate, page 96 Yahoo knowledge hall 资料来源:《石榴的惊人神效》,96页 雅虎知识堂 抗氧化能力最强 The best antioxidant superpower 与葡萄,番茄,蓝莓等有色的水果一样,石榴汁中也含有多酚 (天然的抗氧化物质)—石榴酸和鞣花酸。它含有的多酚物质比葡萄酒、蓝莓、以及绿茶都多。一杯石榴汁含有的抗氧化物质比10杯绿茶所含的还多。因此,在众多的水果中,石榴的抗氧化能力最强。 The best antioxidant superpower The same as fruits,such as grape, tomato, and blueberry, pomegranates also contain polyphenol (natural antioxidant). ---- pomegranate acid and ellagic acid.Pomegranate juice contains more polyphenols than grape, wine, blueberry and green tea. One cup of pomegranate juice contains more antioxidants than 10 cups of green tea. Pomegranates have one of the highest antioxidant contents of any fruit. 资料来源: 国际自由基研究协会第11次会议论文集.2002: 523-528 Data: Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International (2002) 523-528. 缓解眼睛疲劳 目前,用来治疗眼睛的几乎都是含有碳酸脱氢酵素的阻凝作用的药物,而石榴中就含有十几种具有碳酸脱氢酵素阻凝作用的鞣花酸物质,可以缓解眼睛疲劳。 资料来源:《石榴的惊人神效》,72 Relax eye tiredness Nowdays,medicine used to relax eye tiredness contains creosote dehydrogenase which prevents anticoagulating function. More than ten kinds of ellagic acid which has the capability of preventing anticoagulating are abundant in pomegranates and can relax eye tiredness. Data: 《Marvelous power of pomegranate》,72 防止醉酒 自古以来,石榴就当作强肝剂使用。石榴之所以对醉酒有效,必需氨基酸能够促使肝脏恢复功能; 糖原对于促进肝脏的功能也发挥着重要作用,因此,能促进酒精的代谢,结果就能减少醉酒的原因乙醛(酒精的代谢物),即能缓和醉酒的现象。 常与单宁结合的鞣花酸具有镇静作用,所含的钾有利尿作用, 所以, 石榴汁可以有效防止醉酒,是很有道理的。 Avoid drunkenness Since ancient times, pomegranates have been enhancing the function of the liver.The reason for pomegranate has impact on drunkenness is that essential amino acid has activating function on liver, hepatin also play a very important part in promoting hepatic function,thus,these can promote alcohol metabolizing, result in reducing acetaldehyde(alcohol metabolite) for drunkenness,that is easing up drunkenness phenomenon. Ellagic acid,always combined with Tannin, can promote calmness,pomegranates are also high in potassium, it has diuresis effect, so pomegranate can be effectively used for avoiding drunk. |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-2-22 16:26 只看TA 6楼 |
支持一下,石榴汁本身就是营养程度很高的饮品,枸杞的作用就更不用说了。可惜我们这超市都是些小干小干的枸杞,石榴汁基本也都是粗制滥造的。 |
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该用户匿名发帖 发表于 2009-2-22 17:42 只看TA 8楼 |
sis对于广告贴有严格的规定,请好好看下版规,我发的帖子根本没有任何广告的嫌疑,请说话要负点责任对于石榴汁和枸杞的评测至少要过1个月以上才会有真实的评测。 |
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