听过这旋律的就不会忘记,舞曲加rap,动感的节奏,samantha mumba唱的always come back to your love
samantha mumba 史蔓德.曼巴是一位带着非洲血统,来自爱尔兰首都都柏林的歌手。samantha mumba16岁开始在夜总会扮作美国歌手唱歌。后来瓦尔什(louis walsh)慧眼识英才,把她收到了旗下。
她的第一首单曲《Gotta Tell You》发行第一周就打上英国和爱尔兰流行榜的榜首,并进入了美国告示牌单曲榜的第10位,这对于一个来自都柏林的默默无闻的小女孩简直是一个不可思议的成绩。她的第二首单曲《Baby Come ON Over 》也在英国榜上高居不下。她的乐迷不全都是少男少女,连北爱新芬党领袖亚当斯(gerry adams)也对她着迷。
samantha mumba 浑厚纯熟的演唱技巧和其成熟外表与她的实际年龄并不对衬,但可别小看这位小女生,她素以即兴演出著名,具有演唱实力的她绝对是乐坛另一受瞩目的新星。当白人偶像歌手在乐坛上称王称霸之际,samantha mumba的出现更令人觉得与众不同。她的成功证明爱尔兰人也可以玩r&b。这位新进的爱尔兰歌星正在猛烈地袭击全球的排行榜。就个人而言,我比较喜欢她唱的《always come back to your love》。
http://www.rap.blog.58com.com/up ... ia/060914022541.mp3
yeah, check it out
what, what, what, what
uh, you like that? uh
come on yeah
uh, no doubt
break it
ive been up and down (uh, what)
been going round and round (uh)
ive been all over town (wha-what,uh)
but ill never ever find somebody new for sure
(yes, yes you are, left to right, yes
yes you are and rock you all night)
show me where i belong tonight (all night)
give me a reason to stay
no matter if i go left or right (left to right)
i always come back to your love
ive been high and low (uh)
i dont know where to go (no, baby)
because i love you so (you like that)
and ill never ever find someone like you for sure
(yes, yes you are, left to right, yes
yes you are and rock you all night)
show me where i belong tonight (all night)
give me a reason to stay (i need a reason, yeah)
no matter if i go left or right (left to right)
i always come back to your love
(back to your love, yeah)
no matter if i go left or right (left to right)
i always come back to your love (yeah)
show me love tonight
im going left to right
no matter where i go
i always find your love
show me where i belong tonight (all night)
give me a reason to stay
no matter if i go left or right (left to right)
i always come back to your love
show me where i belong tonight (all night)
give me a reason to stay
no matter if i go left or right (left to right)
i always come back to your love
(left to right, you like that?)
(lets go)
(show me)
i always come back to your love